Equipping the Apostolic Christian Church with enriching content
Onward Media is the name of the entity resulting from a reorganization of Apostolic Christian communications groups (AC Publications, Brotherhood Communications Committee, Elder Communications Committee, Elder Technology Committee). This streamlining is producing an effective and nimble organization which provides a greater abundance of compelling, relevant, and timely content for our entire ACCA family.

To strengthen the church by providing easy access to engaging and enriching spiritual content from an Apostolic Christian perspective.
Develop into a nimble and responsive communications organization that provides a steady stream of compelling content that appeals to various demographics in the church.
Create, curate, evaluate, disseminate, and steward biblically-based content from an Apostolic Christian viewpoint.
Guiding Principles
Strengthen the brotherhood
We will seek to teach, inspire, and equip the Apostolic Christian Church of America to greater Christlikeness.
Support our beliefs
Materials produced will be grounded on scripture, consistent with the ACCA Statement of Faith,
and foster an appreciation for our shared background.
Improve access
Given the different ways people prefer to consume media,
we will publish content in a variety of formats to make it convenient.
Reach everyone
We will communicate in a way that engages all demographics in the church,
to the extent that it is reasonably possible.
Ensure relevance
Our materials must meet the needs of our present and future brotherhood.
We will stay abreast of changing interests within the church.
Encourage participation
Provide opportunities for the church to contribute beneficial content,
provide input on published content, and submit ideas and perspectives.
Harness technology
Technology is a neutral tool that can be used for good or evil.
When it can be practically used in a God-honoring way, we will adopt it.
Project Areas
The work of Onward Media is divided into project teams. Below are highlights of our key focus areas as well as goals for their future direction.
AC Central. This digital hub of AC content will continue to expand and improve to keep pace with modern content delivery apps. Feature requests from our users will be addressed as funds allow. As operating systems and device capabilities change, the underlying technology and interface will be updated.
Websites. The denomination website is reviewed regularly and diligently maintained. The design will be periodically refreshed. As new resources become available, they will be either linked to or included on the site.
Attractive, easy-to-setup-and-maintain website packages are offered to congregations who wish for their sites to fit into the ACCA branded design.

Curriculum. Sunday School and VBS curriculum will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure it is doctrinally sound, attractively designed, interesting to children, and enables teachers to effectively instruct. A major effort is currently underway on the S.S. curriculum involving hundreds of brothers and sisters across the country.

Around the Table is the source for Christ-centered teaching and conversations from an Apostolic Christian perspective. Audio/visual production and distribution services for this elder-directed podcast are provided by Onward Media staff.

Silver Lining. Our only regular national publication will continue to be improved in look and content. The purposes of this magazine will go on being met, but in an increasing number of ways beyond print.
Bookstore. The AC Bookstore is becoming more customer-focused and accessible. We proactively seek to expand our offerings and promote store products to our audience. While the focus is still primarily on AC-specific content, a wider range of resources will become available, and other fundamental Christians are gladly served.

Hymnody. The approved collection of music is maintained and made available in a variety of media, while ensuring compliance with copyright laws.

E-newsletter. This new monthly Email supplements other communication channels with timely content that will benefit members of all ages.
Social Media. To reach as many people in our church as possible where they are at, we maintain an official presence for the denomination on social media.
Content Development. Brothers and sisters throughout the church are encouraged to participate in creating materials in a variety of media that could benefit the brotherhood.
New Media Assessment. As new methods of communication become adopted by our brotherhood, Onward Media actively investigates, then implements ways to leverage new media if appropriate to provide helpful content to the church.
Advisory Role. A group of elders advises the Elder Body on trends, advantages and dangers of new technologies, as well as providing advice, review and oversight of all other Onward Media activities.
Onward Media is under the authority of the Elder Body of the Apostolic Christian Church of America and is governed by a nine-person board.
Day-to-day operations are handled by an Executive Director, Kevin Knapp (Bloomington) and a small staff.
Aaron Anliker (Bloomington)
Sarah Eisenmann (Chicago)
Lucas Frank (Detroit)
Robert Herrmann* (Princeville)
Tyler Knochel (West Lafayette)
Greg Lehman (Wolcott)
Gwen Leuthold (Tremont)
Arlan Miller (Gridley)
Darrell Stoller (Goodfield)
* current board president
Additional Counseling Elders
1. John Jackson (Bay City
2. Damon Knobloch (Morris North)
3. John Wiegand (Silverton)
651 E. Peoria St., Goodfield, IL 61742
NOTE: do not email or call Onward Media with AC Central questions or tech problems. Post those to the user forum.